Monday, October 11, 2010

Worthy Moments

Some of you out there might be thinking to yourself "Self, what could possible make cold showers every three days, eating beans and the root of a plant every day for both lunch and dinner, never really feeling fully clean,  having for roommates things like huge spiders whose legs can cover my entire palm, and being thousands of miles away from those I love most worth it?" Your self would probably answer something like this: "What makes every trying, dirty, I cannot eat this again moment absolutely worth it, is being gone for 3 days and when you arrive back home is being rushed by 56 of the most wonderful kids who are shouting your name and engulf you in probably the world's largest group hug." Then you would probably say "Yes, Self that does make it all worthwhile."


  1. You are loved. You didn't even know it.

  2. I know exactly how those kids feel. And I am sure you look amazing. Only you can make dirt fashionable.
