Monday, October 11, 2010

Rolling Like a Ce-le-brity

First order of business:10,000 cool points to whoever knows what song the title of this post is from. Another 10,000 cool points if you include the band. 500 bouns cool points if you also include my favorite song by this band.

Second order of business: I shop where the stars shop. That's right so whenever I give you advice on the voguest of African fashions you better not just brush it off because it's legit. What is that? You don't believe my keen eye for African prints and taliorship is all that keen. Well that's okay you can just get a second slightly less biased opinion from my good friends Rachel Bilson and Kristen Bell. (If you don't know who that is...Google it.) We shop at the same talior shop located in Gulu, Uganda aka nowheresville. So they would be able to tell you how impecable my taste really is.

1 comment:

  1. The song is "beverly hills" by weezer and it is also ur favorite song by them

    This is clayton rhine
