Monday, January 17, 2011

Mama's Good Advice

~DISCLAIMER: The following post contains mentions of underwear. If anyone finds themselves to be squeamish at the mention, thought, or sound ("But underwear doesn't make sound"...shows how little you know) of underwear and/or words pertaining to said underwear. Please avert your eyes.~

About Five months ago I was just a girl. Just a girl packing for her first big girl mission in life. To live for eight months in the African bush. Like most girls who have yet to participate in a big girl life mission I very seldom heeded to the often unsolicited advice of my tall, wise, somewhat off her rocker mother. However, this shall never be the case in my post first big girl mission life; in less of course it has to do with anything that I am extremely knowledgeable about. Which of course is a lot. "What miracle advice could this be?", you might be thinking. Well it has do to with something that we all wear everyday (unless of course you belong to the group who elects to be more 'free'). That's right...underwear. Oh. What? You weren't thinking underwear? I know it sounds strange but I sincerely believe that underwear advice is some of the best advice one can ever receive. And now you shall be privy to my juicy little tidbit of knowledge on unmentionables.

I came to Africa with two packages of six fruit of the loom cotton briefs (which by the way are the most comfortable things ever...Victoria Secret, Shmictorias Secret). Before I left my mom said this and I quote "Ash you should not open one package and save it until your half way point. That way you will have some clean fresh underwear to wear." Now having fresh underwear might not be a big deal to you but when you have to hand wash your own underwear with a rock for eight months it becomes a high priority. This being the case, and I knowing this to be the case; I decided this time she might be on to something. So I did as she bid and I saved one package of six fruit of the loom cotton briefs and I have never been happier (except when Jesus love came into my life).

It was January 1st, 2011 when I put on my first pair of fresh, never been worn underwear and I have never been the same since. There is a little more bounce in my step and a little less hitch in my giddy up. Who knew that fresh underwear -after being deprived of such a common luxury for so long- would do so much? I will tell you who...Marie Perkins. That's who. Little did I know that such a gem, such a treasure, such a brilliant piece of knowledge could be past from mother to daughter. Needless to say this proverbial masterpiece will be passed down to my daughter and to my daughter's daughter, so on and so forth.

What is the moral to all this? Could it be to always listen to your mother? Perhaps. Could it be to make sure you take washing your underwear by hand lessons before you leave the land of washing machines for eight months? I would say a hardy 'Aye!' to that. But truly, I think the moral is this... those people who are more lenient when it comes to wearing or not wearing undergarments might actually be the wisest of us all.

Yes...What..oh Hello...And you are....

Just wanted to say HELLO WORLD I AM FOOT LOOSE AND FANCY FREE! Well I don't know how fancy my feet actually look right now but I am know I am not going to go there. Anywho I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas and a very Happy New Year. I just spent my very first Christmas from home and though I did miss my family something fierce this truly was my best Christmas ever! It was fun to just be without all the trappings and trimmings and to just worship Jesus and stand in His love. The kids decorated "Christmas Trees" with scraps of cloth, toilet paper, and balloons (needless to say the MOST beautiful trees ever...seriously ever), we had a Christmas goat named Gilbert (may he rest in peace), we sang songs to Jesus, we played, we worshipped, we gloried in Him, 'twas truly a joyous day! And on top of all that I got to talk to my WHOLE family!!!! God is good! Well that's all I have to say for now...just wanted to let you all know that I am alive though it's been awhile...something (I am leaning towards a bat) ate my power cord -not the whole cord- so I have been without a computer but alack and alas I am with you once again and joyfully take up my pen (figuratively) to script you all my tales of life here in the bush. So what I am trying to say-with no more ado-is...I am back :0)