Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fisheyes and G-nut paste

You know until about a month ago I believed that the little balls in Tapioca Pudding were fish eggs. I don't know why I believed this probably because my dad told me once and my dad never tells stories. Ever. Whatever the reason I really believed those little weird balls were fish eggs. Because of my strong convictions I refused to eat Tapicoa Pudding which really isn't that big of a deal because I am pretty sure that Tapioca Pudding is used to be rejected. I mean with all the pudding flavors who really thinks "Man forget doubble chocolate fudge with real dark choclate mousse topping pudding. I want me some fo that yellowish white pudding with questionable ball like things floating in it!" Oh yeah that's the stuff!" But now that I have actually experienced a puddling like substance with actual fish (no I did not leave out the word parts) I think I would take my fake fish egg pudding any day.

G-nut paste is basically warmed up peanut butter. Casava is basically like the inside of a baked potato. Minnows are basically tiny fish that are used as bait when fishing. So eating G-nut paste with Casava is like eating a baked potato with warm peanut butter which actually isn't all that bad. Until you realize that today the G-nut paste ahs a companion. I was just sitting there enjoying my paste when I notice something hard; then a lot of little hard somethings floating around. I figured "Hey maybe I am eating the special termites they eat. That's a delicacy. Right?" But as I "fished" (haha) around I realized that it was nto termites at all...but something much much worse.

That's when BAM! Out of nowhere a little yellow eye with a little black center was staring back at me. Two thoughts went across my mind "Why is my food staring at me?" and "WHAT THE CRAP MY FOOD IS STARING AT ME!" As I calmly (which is a strictly relative term) explained to the cook -who by the way speaks about 5 words of english- that I usually don't eat food that can watch me as I eat it, she proceeded to take out the entire bag of little fish to show me that "It's okay. It's just little fish that normally in America you would buy at a bait shop but here we eat it with warm peanut butter over baked potatoes"

The moral of this story" Little darling kids with huge smiles and equally big hearts make eating warm peanut butter with tiny fishes over a baked potato toally worth it. That and an eight month suppy of Tapicoa Pudding.


  1. Ewww! I don't think I could handle fish in my peanut butter! Enjoying your blogs...keep'em coming!
    Love & prayers to you!!

  2. I can see your face when you looked into your bowl and your food was staring back at you. Love the stories. Keep them coming. Love you.

  3. This story made my baby sick a little...! Lol! Keep pressing on girl! You are totally right when you say it's all worth it...I'm praying for you and your kiddos. Remember, we work for God...but we also work WITH Him...You're not alone! MUCH LOVE!

  4. Hummmm? I think I would take eating a 100 day old egg (Chinese delicacy) over the fish eyes, Ashley. You got me on this one. I've seen lots of fish eyes in whole fish but never did I have to eat one of them. BTW, you used that word I told you girls in class not to use!! Can you find it!! Of course, my grandkids and kids have said that's a legit word in today's conversation. I am so old-fashioned.
